Petition / Awareness
Missing Marna
Our beautiful Amarna tragically lost her life, travelling on the back of a quad bike in Turkey, May 2016. She was wearing a helmet, but due to its poor quality, she died from her head injuries. Amarna was a beautiful, funny, warm, energetic, life and family loving 21 year old, with her whole life ahead of her. She had so many plans, so many friends, so many more stories to tell, so many dreams, so many more memories to make, so little time..
Aim. Spreading awareness and pushing for change. Encouraging safety and vigilance on holiday and aiming for international safety helmet regulations, so your head is safe no matter where you are in the world.

Add your voice by clicking on the petition link. We can't do this alone, it's only possible with your help and support, so please get in touch if you would like to be of help. We are happy to hear from relevant charities too. Thank you for your support, in helping us spread the word, so we can save lives.

What You Should Know
Off on holiday! Amarna left home full of excitement and looking forward to a week of bliss and adventure, not thinking for a second she would not return alive.
Did you know.. It is only a legal requirement that a person "carries" a helmet on a quad or bike in Turkey, not actually wear one? There are also no legal requirements for companies to carry out regular safety checks to ensure these vehicles are road worthy when rented out to tourists. There are no requirements regarding the quality of the helmets issued along with a rented bike either, or quad, and issuing a helmet is not compulsory. This happens in many other countries too.
THIS ALL NEEDS TO CHANGE. Together we can make this happen and save lives. How you can help? Please sign and share our free online PETITION to force companies and law makers to take more responsibility in keeping holiday makers and residents safe! This just takes a few moments and can make a huge difference.
The Coroners Comments: "There’s nothing that I have read or been made aware of in the manner of driving that caused or contributed to this event but the safety precautions, which would have been taken in this country, were not applied in the same way in Turkey.
“If anything good is to come of this, the message goes out to the public that they need to be very vigilant of the safety standards abroad when hiring any vehicle of this type, both in terms of the vehicle and safety equipment.”

Get in touch with Missing Marna for more about our work and how you can get involved.
Please also share your experiences here too. We are also happy to hear from relevant charities and organisations.
Together we are stronger.